Choosing motorized window coverings with smart controls gives you both decorative value and energy efficiency. Lutron shades are silent, reliable, and inexpensive, as well as completely customizable. Using WiFi or home network controls, you can adjust your shades by smartphone whether or not you’re home. Instruct your personal assistant program to handle it for you, and you’ll never have to worry about leaving the shades open or closed again. Choose your own combination of switches, dimmers, sunlight sensors, and other features for your personalized Lutron shades, as well as their style, material, and colors or patterns. Newport Beach buildings can also take advantage of our quick, affordable installation services. Start by arranging a free consultation appointment, and get a no-obligation estimate!
Motorized Shades Of Every Style
When you order your set of Lutron shades, our experts will help you pick out the perfect look and style for your Newport Beach area property. A big part of it comes down to what room you want the shades for. For a work or lounge area, try sheer shades with blind slats under them. If it’s a bedroom, try some sleep-protecting blackout shades. Whichever type you prefer, it comes in the colors and materials of your choice and works with Lutron motorized operators and control systems.
Save Money With Smart Shades
Everyone forgets to adjust their shades from time to time, either through negligence or because of unexpected circumstances. Given how much heat comes through your windows as sunlight or escapes through the panes via convection, this can give your AC/heater a needless workout. Shades that always “know” to close themselves to protect furniture from sunlight and valuables from opportunistic watchers also pay for themselves. Motorized shades on their own are more convenient and child-safe than manual ones, but smart Lutron shades help you proactively!
Affordable Lutron Window Shades In Newport Beach
Call us today and arrange your appointment. Our free estimates come with no obligations, and give you professional advice on and help you choose your perfect Lutron shading solution. We provide installation as well as custom manufacturing of new Lutron shades of different types. For more information, schedule your no-obligation free consultation!